Sunday Morning Blog – Tim Ohai Chaos Inside My Head


Tim is a conversational writer, you know what I mean. He writes like he talks. You feel like your having a conversation with him when you read his blog. I like conversational writers. Reading their stuff is easy, engaging and fluid.  Chaos Inside my Head is an easy, capitvating read that captures your attention and makes it easy to absorb the messages.

Tim Ohai Blog


Tim is a great story teller who weaves fantastic metaphors, stories and anecdotes into his posts that drive the points home. Chaos in my Head is a good title. His posts tend to take on a chaotic, ranting style that makes you feel as if the ideas in his head have been ruminating to the point of explosion and he just can’t contain them any longer.

Tim is a bright, articulate, creative writer, speaker and consultant that drops some mad wisdom. Check out his blog. He writes less frequently than others so his blog is great weekend read. You can drop by on a Sunday and not feel you’ve got an hour of reading to do to catch up.

Tim Ohai, Chaos in My Head –  a good Sunday Morning Blog.

