Success Through Killer Content with “Taught Leader” Ann Handley

In today’s new economy, we’ve become information hounds. We demand information at all times. We want to be educated. We want to be taught. We want to be motivated. We want to be inspired. We want to be entertained. We want to be challenged. We scour the internet looking for information and with it the people that can help us do our jobs, raise our children, improve our relationships, help our pets, make more money — make our life better.

We have become intolerant of the lack of information and have little time for those people or companies who don’t or won’t provide the value we expect when it comes to information.

Understanding this, those who deliver on this value proposition, the creators of information will be the winners in the 21st-century.

Everyone who is serious about success needs to create content. It’s really that simple.

Content creation will be a success force multiplier in the new economy. If you want to accelerate your path to the top, creating content is the key. Content builds your intellectual repository, a bank for your ideas and insight. It’s where and how you establish credibility for what you know and can do. Without content, you’re digitally obscure and that’s suicide.

Meet Ann Handley

ann handley

Ann is the queen of content creation. She’s a Wall Street Journal best-selling author and the Chief Content Officer of Marketing Profs.   Ann has been named by Forbes as one of the most influential woman in social media and as one of the top 20 woman bloggers. Do you see the pattern? You’re gettin’ now. Uh? Ann is a badass when it comes to content creation.

What I love about Ann, no surprise, is her incredible writing style and contagious personality. Ann has an uncanny, ability to get people to believe in their capacity to write. Her writing is fluid, funny, engaging and easily connects with the readers.  Ann gets you to think you can take over the world, and for those who are struggling to create content, this is EXACTLY what you need to feel.

This excerpt from her book Everyone Writes is great.

. . . the two kinds of people are not the haves and the hapless. Instead, they are those who think they can write and those who think they can’t. (And, too often, they both are wrong!)

Ann is fantastic at helping people embrace the power and importance of creating content.

Although Ann’s strength is writing, she is great at understanding how content inspires people to action and can teach you how to use all the mediums of content development; podcasting, video/YouTube, blogging, ebooks, and more.

Creating content is a requirement in the new economy. The 21st-century will not be kind to those (individuals or companies) who are unable or unwilling to share their knowledge, wisdom and insight via content. Learning how to create compelling content is critical and Ann Handley is one of the best teachers you can have.

Ann can make you a better content creator

As you inevitably embrace the cold dark truth, that you must become a content creator Ann is quickly going to become your best friend. Ann will be your guide, your virutal handbook, your sage and your creative mentor.

Read her books:

  1. Everybody Writes
  2. Content Rules

Check out Ann’s website:

Read Ann’s blog:

There are no “cobbler’s children” going on here. Ann drops mad content and writing wisdom on her blog that will help you stay on track, know what the track is and soon lay your own track for others.  While you’re at it be sure to sign up for her Newsletter as well.  Get all the content goodness you can sent right to your inbox.

Follow Ann on social;

  1. Twitter
  2. Facebook
  3. Instagram
  4. Pinterest

And be sure to check out her company MarketingProfs

I graduated H.S. after 5 years with a 1.6. GPA.  My grammar sucks. (As you can see.) I took me until I was 42 to finally get my college degree. Yet, today I write for Forbes. This blog has been named a Top Sales and Marketing Top 50 Sale Blog for 4 years straight. My book is quickly becoming a must have for 2016.  If you would have told my H.S. teachers this was my future they would have all laughed and asked what your were smoking. Yet, it is my world.

My point, Ann is right!!!

Anyone can become a writer or content creator. They just have to commit. Go for it and follow Anne, she’ll get you there!Not Taught Book w. Brogan Review


The Taught Leader series is a weekly series highlighting those who exemplify the tools and skills discussed in my new book Not Taught. 

Each week I highlight a different chapter and share the killer stories and examples of the people who have become experts in a particular area. I provide readers with all the wonderful goodness these early adopters and 21st-century success stories have to offer. The goal, to help you learn the new rules to success and crush it in the 21st-century.

What, you haven’t read Not Taught? Then get it here. Hurry up, you’re already late.



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