I’ve been using Google Plus for the last few months. I’ve been using it half-assed. I’ve been trying to figure out where it “fits” with the other social networks.
It’s been a weird relationship, but Google Plus has snuck up on me. I’ve come to like it a lot. What I like is it’s a full social network like Facebook, but doesn’t bind me to the “personal” nature.
I use Facebook for my friends only. I don’t think about what I say or do on Facebook. It’s like being in my backyard on a summer day or on the slopes in the winter. I can say and do what I want. Twitter and Linkedin have been great from a business perspective, however the social nature can be limiting at times.
I see Google Plus as a killer combination of all the social networks. I can share most of my personal self and only share it with my friends circle. It can be business and I’ll share with everyone or just my sales and business circles etc. And of course, the search benefits are an added bonus.
Google Plus is just starting. I’m going starting to invest more time in my profile. You should too.
If you’re on Google Plus let me know and I’ll add you to my circles.
My Google Plus page. See you there!