I was curious about what challenges lay ahead for sales leaders in 2013. It seems as much as sales stays the same, there are more and more challenges and changes sales people and sales leader have to contend with.
As the thoughts ran through my head, it occurred to me, I can’t be the only one who’s pondering these questions. So, I figured, why not ask?
So, I did
I asked 12 of the brightest sales experts what they thought we (specifically sales leaders) were going to be challenged with in 2013. Not to be completely negative, I also asked them what they felt the biggest opportunities for 2013 were.
There was some good insight tossed out and so I decided to share it.
Check out what smart sales leaders like Jon Ferrara, CEO of Nimble, Jonathan Farrington, Founder Top World Sales Magazine, Townsend Wardlaw Founder Sales Architect and others have to say about what we will be challenged with in 2013. And even more importantly, where the greatest opportunities will be.
Check it out! 2013 Predictions; Challenges and Opportunities for Sales Leaders