I get asked a lot about great sites and resources for sales people and sales leaders. The challenge to answering that is there are a lot of resources I use. My Feedly app is packed with hundreds of blogs and sites I follow and read regularly. With that said, there is a great resource I use to get a sales fix of great blog posts and articles from all of the web. It’s SmartBrief. SmartBrief has a staff on people that scour the web for the best in sales and sales leadership to find you the best stuff. In their words;
Save Time & Stay Smart
Get the intelligence you need: news and information that is changing your industry today, curated from thousands of sources and delivered straight to your inbox.
If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to get a daily dose of sales lessons, information, advice and insights, I highly recommend SmartBrief for sales. It’s delivered to your inbox everyday, sales curation at it’s best. (disclosure: This blog is highlighted at times by SmartBrief). Some of you may have even found me through SmartBrief.
I also get SmartBrief for Business, Entreprenuers and Technology. When I’m busy and don’t have time to go through tons of stuff, SmartBrief delivers.