It appears our social media report, Social Media and Quota Attainment, got peoples attention. A year since it’s publication, social selling seems to be blowing up. Everyone is incorporating social into their selling process and that’s a good thing, at least for those who want to make quota.
So now that you are a social selling pro, we want to find out “HOW” you are using social selling.
Not, “if” but “how” you are using social media to sell, particularly in prospecting.
From our findings we’re gonna create an ebook sharing best practices and share it with the world.
Because I know community is social selling savvy, I want to get your thoughts by asking you to take this quick survey.
And because we’re cool like, that we’re giving away a chance to win an iPad. What sales person doesn’t need an extra iPad?
So, tell us. How are you using social media to prospect?
Come on, don’t be shy.