A Sales Guy Recruiting’s 5 Hottest Blog Posts

Summer time at A Sales Guy Recruiting only means more hot blog posts.  Here’s a list of A Sales Guy Recruiting’s hottest posts of all time.  You’ll pick up solid actionable advice and some seriously informative insight into the world of sales recruiting.  One thing you can definitely count on is you won’t be reading the same ‘ol boring articles you’ve already read somewhere else.  Boom!

Have You KISS’ed Your Business Lately?

Screen Shot 2014-07-07 at 5.56.00 AM When is the last time you took a moment to look at your business and KISS it?  K.I.S.S. is not the rock band from the 70′s (and yes, I was a member of the KISS Army), but the acronym for Keep It Simple Stupid.  Sometimes I think we lose focus and make things in business, and our lives for that matter, way too complicated.  It’s time we all KISS’ed more.  I would like to therefore kiss and tell about a few areas of business specifically. Let’s start with employees because after all, they are the heart and soul of any business.  Keeping things simple is as easy as asking yourself the following question.  Do your current employees do what you expect them to do or what you hired them to do?  This is all about…(read more)


Experience Doesn’t Matter — If Your Sales Candidates Don’t Have These 3 Things

Screen Shot 2014-07-07 at 6.01.12 AM Hiring great sales people is NOT easy. Sales people come in all shapes and sizes. Every sales position is different. There are big sales and little sales. There are complex sales and there are transactional sales. There are long sales and short sales. Sales is infinitely different with infinite possibilities. We’ve seen it all, BUT in spite of all the different variations, there is still a set of constants when it comes to finding killer sales people. It doesn’t matter the industry, the product or the sales environment, there are 3 things you must find in EVERY candidate in order to hire them or you are just wasting your time. We have a tendency to hire for experience…(read more)


8 “Oh-hell-yeah!” Tricks to Optimize Linked-in As a Talent Sourcing Tool

Screen Shot 2014-07-07 at 6.03.00 AM Warning:  NSFL.  You’ve seen the acronym NSFW.  Don’t worry, this post is perfectly safe for work.  It’s just Not Safe For Lazy!  We’ve all seen the lazy applicants, don’t be a lazy recruiter.  Ok so let’s get at it! Talent sourcing today is not just about finding the right talent, Recruiting today draws upon a variety of strategies to stay ahead of the game.  Forbes outlines “The 9 Hottest Trends In Corporate Recruiting“, including Talent Branding.  Carry your brand across all networks.  Not just your company webpage.  If you have a kick-ass website but your brand falls apart across Linked-in, what good is using Linked-in at all?  It’s not going to be a useful tool if you don’t use it as a branding tool, just like…(read more)


Why it’s Hard to Identify Killer Sales People in an Interview and What to Do About It

Screen Shot 2014-07-07 at 6.04.24 AM Sales people sell, that’s what they do. Even the worst sales people reach into their bag of sales tricks on a regular basis, regardless of the fact that no on is fooled by their bumbling. It’s in sale people’s DNA to always be on, to be selling. And this is a problem for hiring managers and recruiters. The humble ones admit they’ve been “had” more than once and are constantly honing their bullshit detectors and their talent identifiers. The egotistical ones, they say they’ve never been “had” and know how to sniff out the bullshit. This is only true, because the bullshit they are smelling is their own. We’ve all be sold by…(read more)  


The Day We Walked Away from $25,000 Dollars

Screen Shot 2014-07-07 at 6.05.35 AM There were two candidates remaining. One of them was represented by A Sales Guy Recruiting. We felt good about our chances; our guy was strong and articulate. He understood the space, he faired well in the phone interviews and he was confident.  He was a good fit on paper AND in person – or so we thought. The two candidates were flown in on the same day. They were to meet with a several different folks on the sales team and the executives. The goal, evaluate the two candidates, figure out who was the bigger bad ass, and then make a decision. As the day came to an end, I got a call from…(read more)


Keenan is A Sales Guy Inc’s CEO/President and Chief Antagonist. He’s been selling something to someone for his entire life. He’s been teaching and coaching almost as long. With over 20 years of sales experience, which he’ll tell you he doesn’t give a shit about, Keenan has been influencing, learning from and shaping the world of sales for a long time. Finder of the elephant in the room, Keenan calls it as he sees it and lets nothing or no one go unnoticed.