It’s not uncommon for me to get calls from business owners, CEO’s, heads of sales, etc. asking for help. In some cases, there is a good need to work together, and we enter into a contract. Other times, for whatever reason, it just doesn’t make sense. In these cases, the person or company isn’t ready, they don’t have the money, they have resource issues, etc. Regardless, they just aren’t ready to hire me. In spite of their position, I always like to help them out. If I can offer insight, a framework, a methodology, a new place to look for an answer or just a referral, I’ll do it.
I don’t like getting off the phone with someone who needs help without giving them at least something they can use.
The note below came from one of these people. The CEO of this company called me and had lots’ of questions. The timing wasn’t right to work together, but I could see where his problems were, and so I gave him a bit of direction.
I guess it helped.
Too often we give only to get, and I think that’s the wrong way to look at it. I’m super excited for these guys; it sounds like things are going well, and they are about to blow up! Good for them! I’m glad I was able to help.
“I truly apologize for wasting your time by being unprepared for our last scheduled phone call. This is not an excuse, and it shouldn’t be perceived as one. (Bottom Line by the time you get through this long email it will save you a bunch of time [that I wasted], to let you know where NED is now and how big of an impact you have made, also many different ways for you to get involved if you would like to)
I reached out to many influencers (acquaintances of yours) for advice during our restructure starting in 2013, they all continue to provide that with free and powerful knowledge and insight. Back then I asked for a little bit of help and though it seemed from our phone conversation that they were going to dive in and help. Then I realized a week passed, still learning every day, after no response and call back from my emails and voicemails that I was way too far behind for them to help. My point is, I understood why they didn’t respond about four blogs after I contacted them.
So I kept reading, and we latched on to a sales guys content. A lot about what you guys believe in reminded us of ourselves. Then you emailed me offering free help. Both 30-minute calls went for an hour. Although I haven’t thanked you yet and I can’t thank you enough. That 2 hours you spent changed our organization forever. Also nonstop reading and watching webinars from primarily You, Jill Konrath, and Anthony Iannarino. Other content from Top Sales World and Jim Connoly and so many others helped a tremendous amount. But it was You primarily and then Jill and Anthony’s content that helped us get where we are now. We still have a lot to learn and a long way to go!!!
I came from the mortgage industry and spent eight years in a very self-centered sales system. Saving people $200 or even $800 a month wasn’t cutting it for me. I shut down my branch and dedicated my full focus here in 2013.
We introduced network maintenance in 2008, and we had a decent partner. We could never communicate the value we wanted because we were not taught the right way. You sent the problem identification chart over months back. The work has not stopped. It’s a blessing. It’s been overwhelming at times, but we love it.
After we filled out that problem identification chart we started digging into buyer personas and created many different personas with different messaging that was all about the client and not us.
Here is where it gets better. We attracted the attention of some big players in our industry and happened to catch the biggest player in our industry as one day we decide to pick up the phone and discuss a partnership with them.
After months of negotiations, which are still ongoing, we came to an agreement where we were offered exclusivity for the US Canada & Mexico. Exclusivity means growth and sales quotas. Our partner is allowing us to grow on our terms.
You may never know how much of an impact you have had on our organization, I applaud the amazing team of leaders that I lead as well. I’m not saying we didn’t do the work needed because sacrifice became our middle name. When you reached out to us for free, you showed me there was hope that someone much more knowledgeable than me cared to help us. I can’t thank you enough brother!
I have one of your quotes in our business plan; I hope you don’t mind, I gave you and your organization credit of course. It came from a blog you wrote back on July 29, 2015; it is titled “Value” What the F%*K does that mean. The whole blog was great and a certain part that really aligned with our thinking.
Value as a word doesn’t mean anything. It’s a placeholder, a catchphrase for something that is dynamic, contextual and requires acknowledgment from others. So when we whip around the word value, we’re not offering much insight. Value for one person is different for another. Value changes from product to product, service to service, idea to idea, and offer to offer. Value isn’t a thing; it’s an agreement.
Our entire team loved it. When we communicate this to a client because we believe it, it demands respect and changes the dynamic and ton of the relationship. They let their guard down sooner.
A big part of our concern is the rate they want us to grow; I think this is just one area you can help us.
Again I truly appreciate all the free knowledge you put out there, along with your peers. It’s better than any college in the world for people who genuinely care about putting others first because that is their passion, regardless of industry.
I hope this gives you an idea of where we are heading, and I would like to discuss the sales projections I have with you. They seem astronomical. However, that was me basing production at 40% below our current quotas. Each one of our sales reps are setting five appointments on average per day with an expert!! I obviously could not base production off of that of 3 sales people vs. the 25 we plan on boarding by July 2016.
If you could have someone on your team reach out to reschedule our call, that would be great.
I apologize I wasted your time, and I hope this eliminates some time and work for you if we do choose to work together in the future.
I put your name in our business plan because I feel that if we spend any dollar on outside sales support, which we will, it should be with your organization. Thanks for the inspiration and all that you do brother! Our entire team is thankful as well!
I hope to hear from you soon!”