Your Suggestions

Last week I asked this community for the sales topics they’d like to see tackled on this blog.   You can read the post here.  Not surprising, I got some good ideas.  Here are a few:

1) What makes a company attractive to a sales person?

2) How should a non-sales person go about hiring their first sales person

3) How do you Build a sales org from zero: pitfalls, personalities, strategy, account allocation, training et. etc.

4) Succession planning

5) Coaching; stengths vs. weaknesses

6) Shortening the sales cycle

I really like the ideas and suggestions that came in.   I’m looking forward to tackling them.    Look for me to address one or two a week.  If there are other topics you’d like to see let me know and I’ll add them to the list.  If it goes well and the response is strong, may be we can look at making this a series.  Suggestion Sunday’s has a ring to it.  What do you think?

Thanks for the great ideas.  This is going to be fun.
